
About Simpsons Pop Art Discussion

This site serves as a resource for talking about and finding contemporary Pop artists whose work features the Simpsons or characters and aspects from the Simpsons.

Since its debut on the Tracy Ulman show and later on the (at the time) fledgling FOX Television network, the Simpsons has become a cultural phenomenon and cultural touchstone for people all over the world. With its explosion in popularity came an onslaught of merchandise and branded goods, many of which were bootlegged and copied. In its 25+ seasons on the air, they have become possibly the most recognizable and famous cartoon characters of all time. It is doubtful that any television program will ever reach the level of ubiquitous fame that the Simpsons has achieved.

This phenomenon of knock-off Simpsons merchandise also spilled into the world of fine art over time with artists like KAWS, Banksy, and Palm Treat making their own faux-Simpsons artwork. While plagiarism and whole sale appropriation is nothing new to the world of art, there is an interesting aspect to the nature of this type of work in the internet age of memes and re-posts that is explored through the various topics of conversation in this website.

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